Bose Frames review: smart audio sunglasses are a blast

Bose Frames

The Bose Frames come in two styles one is Alto and the other is Rondo. An alto frame has a thin look with a bigger fit, and on the other side, Rondo has rounded lenses with a reduced fit. These Bose sunglasses were advertised as audio augmented reality and they can play music for you and allow you to make phone calls.

The frames are made from nylon, due to the large arm support it does not fell easily. Despite the fact that it has large arms to remain on ears it is still light in weight.

The sound coming out of the sunglasses is also very elegant. These glasses are very handy to those who work in the construction industry where they have to work on a sunny day and in a boring environment. Just replace Bose sunglasses with your ordinary glasses and enjoy the music coming right into your ears and also you can listen to what people are talking.

There are advantages and disadvantages as well like everything. These types of devices don’t have enough power to remain active for a long time and same is the case with these Bose sunglasses. The battery life is not as impressive as the technology is. The average battery life of Bose sunglasses is 3.5 hours of playback and 12 hours on standby position.

You can download the Bose connect app which gives you control to operate and you can learn more stuff related to Bose Sunglasses.

If you try to volume up to its fullest then you might feel the distortion coming from the glasses that means they are not meant to be on max volume. Due to its shrink speakers when the voice is at a balance position you will hear a perfect voice coming out of these sunglasses.

You might be thinking how it turned on, it’s easy, and on the right side of the glass, you will see on and off button. These on and off button is also usable when you receive a call or you want to talk to Google or Siri to give a command.

The Bose Frames Sunglasses were promised with augmented reality but it is not coming with AR at the moment. Moreover, you can get your hands on these glasses pair for just $200.

Here are some pros and cons of Bose Sunglasses:

  • Sunglasses as well as a Music player
  • Good sound quality
  • Lightweight
  • Easy to use and connect with mobile
  • Affordable price
  • The battery life is short
  • Incoming call volume is low

All in all, it’s a good addition to technology and we are waiting for the Bose Sunglasses to come in Augmented Reality and see the real magic.

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