New gadgets designed to fight COVID-19

New gadgets

Coronavirus has a huge impact on our lives. From industry sectors to our social life everything is disturbed, but in this world of challenges when one window closes, another window opens of new opportunities. As the coronavirus is seeping through the world, new innovations and new gadgets are also surfaced to deal with the looming threat humanity faces.

From spiderman-esque wrist mounted disinfectant spray to a wristband that buzzes when you are going to touch your face, during these critical days the humans are still trying to fight and innovate new techniques to cope with the virus.

Here are some of the newest coronavirus innovations.

Hands-free door handle

According to experts, the coronavirus can live on stainless steel for at least 3 days, and mostly the handles are made of steel so hygienic door handle is coming into the market very shortly. This innovation could be a game changer in hospitals where the hand sanitation is a matter of life and death.

There are other products like door opening hook that are currently in the market created by Steve Brooks. They hook is small enough to fit in your pocket.

Another device in the market by Welshman Wyn which is hands free door opener. The door opener can be operated through the forearm. The idea is available for free and anyone can print it via 3D printer and distribute it wherever necessary.

Masks and Ventilators

A snood mask with an antiviral coating which protects against 95% of the viruses including coronavirus claims the developer.

The company is pushing to produce to a million per week and also take stoke backup for UK’s National Health Service (NHS).

Dr. Rhys Thomas from Wales designed a ventilator that helps patients breathe and also has the capability to kills coronavirus. Although it has some basic functionality to fight with the initial case of coronavirus, it won’t replace the ICU’s ventilator. The main aim behind this innovation is to reduce the patients going towards intensive care units and that will help specialists and nurses to have some breath from their duties.

In this situation, we need to help each other and share the latest innovations and new gadgets with each other so that everyone can get benefit from it and saves as many lives as possible.

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